

it seems as of late i've been a tad forgetful.
it's kind of upsetting.

things i have forgotten lately:

the name of most songs i've purchased
the fact i already brushed my
teeth, so i did it again!

the name of a song i heard on the radio
and really liked.
the author of my
current read.
and MOST of all, the really
great topic i had set for my blog.

i'm totally bummed about it,
cause i was excited to write itttt..

so it must have been good right?
too bad i cant remember! ahh.

anyway. my new revelation tonight was
that when i am older and

have children i think i need to
have more girls than boys. simply

because i find it so much easier to take
care of my niece than my

nephew. he is such a little punk. ha.
love him to death but he's a punk!

annnnnd last but not least i would like to say
CONGRATS to one of my

clooooosest friends in the whole wide world,
Jules, on her engagement

to blake farnsworth.
im sooo excited for you guys!
love you both!!

1 comment:

  1. your blog background totally reminds me of you - so good job. and girls are WAY better than boys. i am not biased at all. :)
