
time bomb

you know those days when it just seems everything is crashing down around you little by little and the smallest thing can set you off? WELCOME TO MY DAY. things are ridic for me right now and yet i cant put my finger on why. the fact that i am working on a day im not supposed to is like kicking me in the butt - yet it shouldnt be because im helping someone else out by covering for them. my dad is trying to be a good dad and talk to me about stuff and it just makes me cry. it's one of those days when you just wanna be alone. and sadly i CANT. with 20 some people constantly around and then a fairly steady flow of patients in and out my door i am never alone. luckily i get to leave at 2:30 and maybe some sleep will help me. although i cant say actually sleep much...i'm sick. WOOOOO. ha. anyway enought about pitiful old me.

i dont know how many of you actually know this:: I LOVE TO READ.
and i have my own "library" of books in my closet. i have probably around 40-50 books in there that i have acquired in like the last two years and that doesnt include any book my mother has boughten on her own.. we have a cupboard full of those books. anyway, i just recently bought four more books...

1. damaged by cathy glass- a great book! (i just finished it) it was sad though and a little bit uhm grotesque, but was based on a true story. it takes a strong stomach to read it. i would comapre it to A CHILD CALLED IT.
2. the time tavelers wife - this was just made into a movie so it must have been a successful book, right? ill let you know!
3. not without my sister- also a true story. i'm not familiar with it at all though i must say.
4. push- but not that weird superpower movie. but that is about all i know of that book as well.

i read the synopsis on all of the books and they look great. im excited! if you know anything about them let me know! or if you know of any other great books!

1 comment:

  1. ABBY!! i had no idea you had a blog!! it's darling! i love it! and i am definatley adding it to my blog list!! soo cute! i hope you get your a lone time some time soon! sometimes we just all need that!!
